Managing Expectations
Through Cost Planning

Establishing A Number Today
That Meets Expectations Tomorrow

Construction Cost Planning And Management

Principals of Directional Logic


With a background in quantity surveying as well as over 25 years experience in the A/E and construction industry, Jenny provides cost planning and management services on a wide range of project types, from seismic retrofit to modernization work and new construction projects throughout the United States and overseas. Jenny is the managing principal responsible for management of the organization and presiding over day-to-day operations of Directional Logic.


Martin brings to the table a 45-year building profession career. He has extensive experience working with internationally renowned architects on a variety of building types. He is a motivator and communicator as well as a proactive team player, working collaboratively with long-term Clients and delivering superior outcomes on the many projects with which he is involved.


Alistair has over 35 years of experience in the construction industry and works on a diverse range of project types with an emphasis on technology, healthcare, corporate commercial and convention centers. Alistair leads the development of our technical services and continuous improvement mandate. He has particular knowledge of Building Information Modeling, integrating it into the cost planning and value management services we provide.


Breck Perkins is a veteran construction industry executive with over 35 years of experience on projects of all sizes, types and in many different geographic locations. With years of experience as an active participant in the construction process, Breck is acutely aware of the on-going necessities of effective project management, including the continual monitoring of manpower, scheduling and overall project cost management.

What We Do

Directional Logic is a professional construction cost consulting firm that provides a unique approach to the full range of cost planning and management services, advising on the feasibility of projects from inception through conclusion of the construction period. We help our clients identify and deliver value by providing directional thinking that is embedded into financial logic. We listen attentively to our clients’ needs and guide them through the process by providing cost effective solutions. We always invest time and effort to understand our clients’ businesses and requirements and offer them our support.

Directional Logic is a California corporation with Federal and State certified Woman Owned/Minority Small Business status.

Analysis of Options and Identification of Affordable Solutions

Benchmarking (Design Criteria and Cost)

Change Order Evaluation

Cost Modeling to Establish Budget

Cost Planning, Estimating & Management

Feasibility Study Cost Analysis and Strategic Advice

Procurement and Contract Advice

Quantity Surveying

Reconciliation and Coordination with Local Consultants

Risk Analysis (Contingency)

Soft Cost Budgeting

Value Engineering

Our Vision

Our vision is to build a trustworthy company which services its clients in distinctive and important ways and reflects the practical application of our core values throughout.


Focus - We are a client-centered company
People – An uncompromising respect among ourselves and our clients
Conduct – We will conduct ourselves with dignity
Delivery - We aspire to provide world class services and deliver excellence
Workplace - We are passionate with what we do and balance hard work with loads of fun


We understand our clients’ business and passionate to help solve their problems and strive to achieve their goals with our proven approach. We are committed to always go extra mile to fulfill our clients’ needs by being efficient, open and honest with them, and provide value added service.


We believe that proactively facilitating early conversations brings team members’ expectations into alignment, and represents the single, best opportunity for implementing effective construction cost management and control.

  • The Alignment Process

    The alignment process image

    The key concept to the alignment process is that “any single leg must be informed and is the result of the relationship between the other two.

    The alignment process tests each element of the triangle in order to see if it needs adjustment in order to meet, or balance, expectations.

  • When we do it

    When we do it image

    The greatest opportunity for achieving alignment of collective expectations is during the initial phase when project visions and program are being established as most cost drivers are still flexible.

  • Controlling the process

    Controlling the process image

    Continuous involvement in the project gives us opportunities to be on top of the design and engineering development and allow us to update and track our cost plan against the budget. Ultimately it allows the owners and design team to make better-informed decisions during the design phase.

    Value engineering is an embedded process in this approach.



Los Angeles, California
Architect: Atelier Peter Zumthor & Partner

The project is a transformation to the existing Los Angeles County Museum of Art replacing three original 1960s buildings and a 1980s building, totaling 400,000 SF. The building will still be raised about 30 feet off the ground and will span across the Wilshire Boulevard. The energy-efficient building with a huge solar array on the roof houses exhibition space, public program, restaurants, art collections and storage space.


Academy Museum of Motion Pictures*
Los Angeles, California
Architect: Renzo Piano Building Workshop

The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures project comprises transformation of the existing May Company Building and a new expansion to the north a 1000-seat theater with an outdoor exhibition terrace on top of it. The building complex is a Museum of 290,000 square feet of state-of-the art galleries, exhibition spaces, movie theaters, educational areas and special event spaces.


Temple University New Library*
Philadelphia, PA
Architect: Snohetta

The 200,000 SF New Temple University Library will provide 2,044 seats and will include a wider variety of neighborhoods and spaces to support a range of working and learning activities, specific user groups, specialized activities, and academic services. The new library is poised to create a new Academic Core with a renewed Paley Learning Center, new science buildings, and a new quad all immediately adjacent.


UC Merced Downtown Administration Center*
Merced, CA
Architect: Heller Manus Architects

The project consists of a new construction of the Administration Center for the Downtown Campus of University of California Merced. The building program consists of open office space with limited of private offices, meeting rooms, office support, Cafe and Staff Breakrooms/Kitchen, a Conference Center, Makers Space, and lobbies. The overall project gross floor area is approximately 68,000 square feet on a 46,000sf site.


Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Memorial*
Washington, DC
Architect: Gehry Partners

The new plaza-type Memorial consists of a series of 80'-0" high concrete columns, clad in stone, supporting a stainless steel cable grid. A tapestry element, specially commissioned and constructed of stainless steel wires is hung from the cable grid. Stone memorial elements with inscriptions and bas relief on limestone paving. A large glass canopy element is also included. The promenade includes paved areas and terraces, seating and planted areas including mature trees.



Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri
Architect: David Chipperfield Architects
(Photographer: Simon Menges)

  • Mexican Museum – San Francisco, CA *
  • Philadelphia Museum of Art – Philadelphia, PA *
  • San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) Expansion – San Francisco, CA
  • St. Louis Art Museum – St. Louis, MO
  • Fogg Museum Renovation & Addition, Harvard University – Cambridge, MA
  • Anchorage Museum of History and Art – Anchorage, AK
  • The Foundation LUMA, Phase 1, Parc des Ateliers Cultural Center – Arles, France
  • Los Angeles County Museum of Art *

Performin Arts

Performing Art

  • Venezuela Concert Hall – Barquiimeto, Lara, Venezuela *
  • King Kekaulike High School Performance Hall – Maui, HI
  • City College of San Francisco, Performing Arts Complex, San Francisco, California
  • Center for Creative and Performing Arts, Princeton University – Princeton, NJ
  • Camerimage Lodz Center - Lodz, Poland
  • University of Texas of the Permian Basin, Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center, Odessa, Texas
  • San Jose Civic Auditorium, Improvements, San Jose, California
  • Academy Museum of Motion Pictures



  • UC Santa Cruz Institute of Art and Sciences *
  • Temple University New Library, Philadelphia, PA *
  • Manhattanville in West Harlem Development, Columbia University - New York, New York
  • National Center for International Schools, Master Plan, San Francisco, California
  • Drexel University, Arts and Sciences West Campus, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • University of California, New Building Law and Business Connection, Berkeley, California
  • Fremont Union High School District, Fremont High School Modernization, Sunnyvale, California
  • UC Merced Downtown Administration Center



  • VA Palo Alto Spinal Cord Center Renovation – Palo Alto, CA *
  • US Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Palo Alto Polytrauma and Ambulatory Care, Palo Alto, California
  • Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Master Plan – Santa Clara, CA
  • Saint Luke’s Hospital, Institutional Master Plan, San Francisco, California
  • California Pacific Medical Center, New Acute Care and Women’s and Children’s Hospital, San Francisco, California
  • John Muir Medical Center, Expansion and Remodel, Walnut Creek, California
  • Kaiser Permanente, Hayward Replacement Medical Center, Hayward, California Highland Hospital, Revised Acute Tower Replacement, Oakland, California

Science Innovations

Science Innovations/Laboratories

  • University of California Santa Cruz, Environmental Health and Safety Building, Santa Cruz, California*
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Various Projects, Livermore, California
  • University of California, Science and Engineering Building 2, Merced, California
  • Stanford University School of Medicine, Office and Research Space, Stanford, California
  • City College of San Francisco, Biotechnology Center, San Francisco, California Research Building and Infrastructure, Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) – Menlo Park, CA
  • Mind Brain Building in Manhattaville Campus, Columbia University - New York, NY
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Pacific Regional Center - Amendment 25, Honolulu, Hawaii

Sports Convention

Sports & Convention Center

  • Cincinnati Convention Center, Expansion, Reconfiguration, and Renovation, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Wichita Convention Center and Performing Arts Center, Expansion and Renovation, Wichita, Kansas
  • Las Vegas Convention Center, Enhancement Program, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • San Jose Convention Center, Expansion and Renovation, San Jose, California
  • Las Cruces Convention Center – Las Cruces, NM
  • San Diego Convention Center, Expansion, San Diego, California
  • Arlington Convention Center, New Facility, Arlington, Texas



  • Waldorf-Astoria Hotel - Beverly Hills, CA*
  • Halekulani Hotel Major Renovation - Honolulu, HI
  • Hotel and Residential Option, 140 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California
  • Trump International Hotel and Tower at Waikiki Beach – Honolulu, HI
  • Project City Center, MGM Lifestyle Hotel – Las Vegas, NV
  • Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Hotel Building Foundation Luma Phase 2, Arles, France



  •, Corporate Master Plan, San Francisco, California
  • NetApp, Construction Governance Process, Sunnyvale, California
  • Transbay Transit Center - High-Rise Tower, San Francisco, California
  • Millennium Tower High-rise Mixed Use Development – San Francisco, CA
  • First & Mission High-rise Mixed Use Development – San Francisco, CA
  • Confidential Office Building – Beverly Hills, CA
  • Confidential Corporate Campus Development – Silicon Valley, CA



  • Marine Housing in Paris for Department of State, Paris, France *
  • GSA Burton Federal Office Renovation – San Francisco, CA *
  • General Services Administration, New Federal Office Building, San Francisco, California
  • Project Validation Assessment Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI
  • Naval History and Heritage Command Museum Functional Plan, Various Location
  • US Drug Enforcement Agency, Puerto Rico Forensic Laboratory, San Juan
  • San Francisco Public Utility Commission, 525 Golden Gate Avenue Administrative Office Building, San Francisco, California



  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Memorial – Washington, DC*
  • The San Pedro Waterfront, Town Square & Ports O’ Call Promenade – San Pedro, CA*
  • The City+The Arch+The River 2015 – St. Louis, MO
  • Flight 93 National Memorial – Shanksville, PA
  • Martial Cottle Park – Santa Clara, CA
  • Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial – Washington, DC
  • Stern Grove Concert Facility Improvement – San Francisco, CA



  • Honolulu Transit Stations Airport Segment Group, Honolulu, HI
  • Honolulu International Airport Mauka Extension, Honolulu, HI
  • Kona International Airport Master Plan, Kona, Hi
  • Maintenance Hangar Building, Honolulu International Airport – Honolulu, HI
  • McNamara Terminal/Northwest WorldG ateway Expansion, Detroit Metropolitan Airport – Romulus, MI
  • Elliot Street Support Facilities Site Preparation, Honolulu International Airport – Honolulu, HI
  • Doha International Airport Design Competition – Doha, Qatar

The above highlights our project and sector experience. Projects with * represent Directional Logic exclusive projects. All others listed are examples of our personnel’s active involvement prior to Directional Logic.

Join The Team

At Directional Logic, we are constantly looking for talented individuals who are:

  • Focused on Client Service
  • Team Players
  • Deliver Excellence
  • Committed and Dedicated

Please send us a resume and letter of interest sharing a bit of information about you and
what you would bring to Directional Logic. Submit via email to


San Francisco
1160 Battery Street East, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA 94111
Los Angeles
2029 Century Park East, Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90067
New York
100 Park Avenue, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10017